I Got To Go To North Carolina
International Beach Combing Conference 2018 – North Carolina USA
And again…I got to go the International Beach combing Conference AGAIN – 2 years in a row…. amazing…. dream come true material….
13months after the amazing time in Hawaii at IBC2017 I returned to the USA firstly to Annapolis in Baltimore to meet up with some early bird’s beachcombers at Dr Beachcombs house for some Maryland Beach combing adventures before we headed down for the conference.
We searched and found fossilized shark teeth and fossilised coral and we had a day trip to NYC to mud lark in Dead Horse Bay. We then had an 8-hour drive to North Carolina to Bogue Banks, crystal coast region for more adventures. We stayed on a camp site in lodges so we could all be together and eat together. This was a wonderful experience meeting old and new friends, who all share common interests…. The love of nature and the beach.
I once again was lucky enough to be asked to give a tutorial, we decided this could work well in a comfy seat, kind of show in tell in the lounge area of the trinity centre. I gave a talk about the area and the history of where I’m from, what I find and have found whilst beach combing and I had specimens with me and books of the area.
Once Again, we had fantastic educational lectures from Marine biologists, learning about sex on the beach…sea shells reproducing…and a fascinating lecture from an expert on black beard the pirate, which I could have listened to all day…we also had some fabulous field trips, taking ferries and exploring the uninhabited islands on the outer banks, where we found giant conch shells (empty, of course) washed up and wonderful jingle shells, which do in fact jingle!!!
I learnt so much and just had the best time, like summer camp, (which didn’t exist for us Scottish kids) with the loveliest people, who are kind and giving of their time, beach finds and their knowledge…
We are expecting more visitors to Scotland this year and we cannot wait to give them a warm welcome.